Greetings Eater,
Let's Eat!
I would like to start by welcoming you my blog and thank you for sticking around to read it. I encourage you to leave comments here or to even follow the Instagram account for this blog at the link here and to leave some words there, whether you enjoyed it or not.
Let me tell you what this blog is. I'm sure some of you may have assumed this is a food blog and you would have assumed correctly! It's nothing fancy. Just a few recipes and some food that I've tried and wanted to share.
I'm not trying to take myself too seriously and I don't want you to do that either. I just want for us all to have some fun and be a little silly. Food shouldn't be taken so seriously. Sure, it's nice to make it look pretty and if you're on Chopped and there's a lump sum of money involved then you MIGHT consider taking it seriously. However, if you're on your phone, tablet, laptop, or, dare I say, desk top computer, and you're just looking for some recipes to try with some friends or family (or hell even just you and yourself) then I am here for you!
So again, welcome and I hope you find something you enjoy. If you have any recipes you'd like for ME to try (and give you a shout-out) then feel free to send them my way via blog comments, Instagram comments, Instagram DM or even email me at
Let's Eat!
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